Monday, February 15, 2010

Guest Speaker, Serge Leclerc

We are hosting an event this Wednesday night, Feb 17 that you will not want to miss. Serge Leclerc will be speaking @ 7:00 PM in our worship center. You can watch a video clip of his presentation by clicking the following link…
Here is a brief comment on Serge, author of “Untwisted”. His book will be available to purchase for $15 on Wednesday night or you can purchase a copy in advance from our church office. You can also visit for more information about him and his mission.
Serge’s arrest in 1984, for a $40 million meth lab, would be the last of many prison sentences and the beginning of a journey that would ultimately 'untwist' the years of dysfunction. While he was in solitary confinement and questioning his own life, a Prison Fellowship Canada volunteer told Serge he had a choice. He could believe that he was an animal that walked on two legs, with no purpose, or that he was a creation, there was a Creator, he had a soul and was of great value, and that he had a purpose in life. As much as his past choices had lead him into a life of pain and waste, his choices from here on in could bring him to a life of hope and transformation. The choices Serge made from that point on put him on a path that has led to exactly that!
“Serge LeClerc's message … is moving and inspiring. His is the story of a man who has survived mistreatment, imprisonment, unimaginable abuse and was able to rise from the clutches of poverty, criminality, and despair to become a man respected in all walks of life … it inspires individuals to make the choices needed to come back from the darkness of personal tragedy and pain.” ~ Chuck Colson, Founder, Prison Fellowship

Dan Lamos

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